
Welcome to Musician’s Well! 

I am thrilled to share this first batch of recovery stories, each of which comes from a place of incredible generosity. Through the course of my own injury, I’ve been constantly fed, encouraged, and supported by those willing to talk with me, and I wanted to create a space for stories like those to be shared, anonymously or not. Sometimes, the exact circumstances of the injury and their similarity to my own don’t matter as much as knowing that people are resilient and adaptable and, quite often, amazing. So, I hope this site will grow and be populated with a variety of instruments and conditions. There are over a dozen more stories on their way already, so stay tuned.

Something I feel I should say is that none of the content on this site is meant to replace a medical diagnosis. If you are experiencing an injury, please gather whatever helps you from these stories, but also remember that you need to be seen by a medical professional, and that every person and every injury is different. There may be a practitioner mentioned that worked well for someone here, but may not be the right one for you. So, reach out, talk to as many people as possible, find a good doctor (preferably one that specializes in working with musicians), and follow your instincts!

I also wanted to thank my friends Mark Morris (markcmorris.net) and Honey Lazar (honeylazar.com) for their beautiful photos.

Lastly, if you are a professional musician who would like to share your experiences on this site, please contact me. I would love to hear from you.


Be well!

Angela Bilger


Angela Bilger